Avid Reader reviewed SEED: Keepers of Genesis I

This is a very entertaining paranormal / urban fantasy that kept me hooked from beginning to end. I loved every minute and look forward to reading book 2 in the series when it arrives. Well done, DB Nielsen.
I randomly chose this book to read and review as part of a challenge to identify up and coming indie authors. Though I've personally written a fiction book myself, I don’t read much fiction, but something about this book reached out to me and i wanted to know more about it and the author. I found the book to be very well written and thought out. I love history and felt i was getting quite the history lesson reading this, so bravo to the writer. You must have put lots of time and effort into researching those ancient periods that you speak so fluently about. Now if i’m to be honest, a few parts went over my head, but i was still able to stay engaged and get through it. Over all, i think you did a damn good job and i look forward to your future work. You represent us indie authors well!......Mark Shaw (less)
J. Turner reviewed SEED: Keepers of Genesis I

I commend db nielsen for this interesting read. I won't give away the story but if you love literature, history and fantasy this is the book for you! the author has obviously done her research! Give this story a try and you'll enjoy it for sure!
Mel reviewed Seed: Keepers of Genesis I (Volume 1)

I am an independent reviewer for Paranormal Romance and Authors that rock. I am giving this lovely read 4.5 Fangs - I'd have given it 5 but it took me a few chapters to get into the book. I will start with I'm glad I gave it those few chapters, every now and then a book surprises me when I don' t think I'm going to enjoy it and all of a sudden I'm hooked! Seeds did just that.
Sage is the focal point of this novel - she has been around the world with her parents as they taught and studied. Her family is uprooted once again just as she is about to graduate from high school and it turns her world upside down. She is funny, intelligent and spirited, this makes the story both interesting and fun.
D.B. Neilson did the research! The story revolves around Babylonian history and myths. I'm a bit of a history buff in the end that is what kept me turning the pages at first. Then the strong characters took over and kept me enthralled throughout.
I would recommend this if you like history, mystery, romance and paranormal fantasy .
Sage is the focal point of this novel - she has been around the world with her parents as they taught and studied. Her family is uprooted once again just as she is about to graduate from high school and it turns her world upside down. She is funny, intelligent and spirited, this makes the story both interesting and fun.
D.B. Neilson did the research! The story revolves around Babylonian history and myths. I'm a bit of a history buff in the end that is what kept me turning the pages at first. Then the strong characters took over and kept me enthralled throughout.
I would recommend this if you like history, mystery, romance and paranormal fantasy .
My mum always told me, "If a book doesn't teach you anything, then it's not a great book.". And Seed proved me that she was right.
The first thing I have to say about this book is that this was without any doubt one of my 5 favorite books I've read this year, I am honestly speechless of how amazing it is.
Also, I've received a free e-copy of this book in exchange of an honest review.
We know we really love a book when we try really hard to explain its history or how much we love it, and that's why I found really difficult to review books I completely loved, so excuse me for any confused thoughts this review might have.
So, let's really start this.
I was in the middle of the Prologue when I started finding this book a really hard put down and this feeling stayed through all the book. I devoured every single page and every single word DB Nielsen wrote, and I couldn't have loved it more!
Sage, the main character of the book, is probably the most accurate character ever: she reads a lot, she's curious and she asks a lot of questions. She's also such a real character, it's completely impossible to dislike her! I love specially two things about Sage Woods: first, the way she reacts about some... complicated things, unlike other female characters of this kind of books she doesn't overreact in general, she gets chocked yet she doesn't freak out (a lot); the other thing I really like it's her and her twin, Fi, relationship. Again, unlike other books where twins are born rivals, their relationship is incredibly natural, they act like what they are: sisters, twins and friends, despite their... differences.
Now, obviously, I will talk about St. John. As any normal excessive reader I've this thing for male-sarcastic-incredibly-hot characters, so I couldn't help but to fall in love with Elijah St. John (Don't you just love his name?!). Giving away a lot of information about him would end up with me spoiling everyone, so I'm not going to say anything more than this.
Probably the only thing that quite bothered me in the whole book was how fast Sage and St. John's relationship grow, yet everything negative I felt about it disappeared when I got a certain explanation.
If you're a curious person and like history and mythology, you should stop reading this and go buy this book. This book taught me so much, it's not even funny!
I would very recommend this book to everyone.
Also, I've received a free e-copy of this book in exchange of an honest review.
We know we really love a book when we try really hard to explain its history or how much we love it, and that's why I found really difficult to review books I completely loved, so excuse me for any confused thoughts this review might have.
So, let's really start this.
I was in the middle of the Prologue when I started finding this book a really hard put down and this feeling stayed through all the book. I devoured every single page and every single word DB Nielsen wrote, and I couldn't have loved it more!
Sage, the main character of the book, is probably the most accurate character ever: she reads a lot, she's curious and she asks a lot of questions. She's also such a real character, it's completely impossible to dislike her! I love specially two things about Sage Woods: first, the way she reacts about some... complicated things, unlike other female characters of this kind of books she doesn't overreact in general, she gets chocked yet she doesn't freak out (a lot); the other thing I really like it's her and her twin, Fi, relationship. Again, unlike other books where twins are born rivals, their relationship is incredibly natural, they act like what they are: sisters, twins and friends, despite their... differences.
Now, obviously, I will talk about St. John. As any normal excessive reader I've this thing for male-sarcastic-incredibly-hot characters, so I couldn't help but to fall in love with Elijah St. John (Don't you just love his name?!). Giving away a lot of information about him would end up with me spoiling everyone, so I'm not going to say anything more than this.
Probably the only thing that quite bothered me in the whole book was how fast Sage and St. John's relationship grow, yet everything negative I felt about it disappeared when I got a certain explanation.
If you're a curious person and like history and mythology, you should stop reading this and go buy this book. This book taught me so much, it's not even funny!
I would very recommend this book to everyone.
JC Brennan reviewed SEED: Keepers of Genesis I

Absolutely a wonderfully surprising read. This is an artfully written story of mystery, suspense, and takes you on an adventure you will not soon forget. Sage is a intriguing character that will draw you in as she comes to terms with what she if feeling to reveal her most inter emotion; attracting your romantic side. However, this is not just a romance, no sir, you will be thrilled with the “in your face” action of this historical fiction. You will not be disappointed with this read.
English Bibliophile rated it 5 of 5 stars
I don't even know were to start with this book. It is just brilliant. I'm rarely left speechless about a book - I always know what to write in a review but this time? Not a clue! There are just SO many good things about this book! So this time I'm doing something different with this blog - bullet points! My Under Graduate Dissertation supervisor always told me if I'm at a lost of what to put or have way to much to say to bullet point my ideas down so here goes!

Loved it! Can't wait for the second book!
Renita D'Silva rated it 5 of 5 stars
You know that thrill when you discover an author whose every word draws you in and you cannot put the book down? This is one such book and this is one such author. I absolutely adored D.B. Neilsen’s first SEED book, Keepers of the Genesis. I did not want to part from it, did not want it to end. I am so very glad that there are more books in this series with Sage and St. John at the helm and I like that the next book is starring Sage’s twin, Saffron at the helm. Beautifully written, meticulously researched, this book draws you in and keeps a hold on you right up until the last page. Fast paced, with action and romance, history and intrigue, flitting between London, Paris, Rome and ancient Mesopotamia, this book is a delight with something to appeal to every reader. I was transported; felt I was living in so many different worlds. The characters are expertly drawn, I could visualize each and every one. I loved the way the author contrasted the twins’ characters, how they complemented each other. There is just so much to admire in this book. The writing is evocative and stunning, the dialogue pithy and sharp. I especially loved the descriptions of Sage’s visions. The author is brilliant at building atmosphere and suspense. From the first page, I was immediately right there, in the action. The descriptions are very visual and I think it would make a fabulous movie
It is just brilliant. I'm rarely left speechless about a book - ...,
I don't even know were to start with this book. It is just brilliant. I'm rarely left speechless about a book - I always know what to write in a review but this time? Not a clue! There are just SO many good things about this book! So this time I'm doing something different with this blog - bullet points! My Under Graduate Dissertation supervisor always told me if I'm at a lost of what to put or have way to much to say to bullet point my ideas down so here goes!
- Nielsen is spot on with every historical fact she uses and I love the fact she quotes historical documents from the Babylonian period along with taking us on tours of museum displays. The history and archaeology geek in me lights up every time I turn the page and notice a reference to some period in history! Seriously if your like me and want any historical facts and references to be correct then you won't be disappointed.
- The characters I generally feel like I know them. I feel I could walk down the street and bump into them when I'm down south in Kent or London. Nielsen develops them so well she perfectly sculpts them so they vividly appear in your head as you progress through the book.
- The nephilim! Oh dear lord. You think Lauren Kates Daniel and Becca Fitzpatrick Patch were drool-worthy? You haven't met St.John and Gabriel. They need to make this into a book so I have two version of the men to drool over (yes I am greedy). Nielsen please please get this made into a movie?
- The plot in this book is superb! I literally had to force myself to put the book down so I could get some sleep before work the next day. From the word go Nielsen had be hooked on the book I kept turning the page wanting to know what was going to happen next and what surprises I was going to encounter.
I laughed and cried at this book. It is beautifully written and Nielsen is a wonderful author with such a vivid imagination. If you are a fan of Lauren Kate, Becca Fitzpatrick, P.C. and Kirsten Cast - heck any of the best selling YA authors out there - you will LOVE Nielsen. Seriously this book will make it. It will be a best-selling and be made into a movie!
Nielsen you are wonderful, keep writing beautiful!
You know how we, as readers, stress and plead time and time again for more detail in our favorite books? Totally not a problem here. Even in the introductory pages you can tell the author either comes from a strong archaeological/historian background or she really did some serious research; quite possibly both. You never have those annoying little gaps of "What happened between here and here?" or "How did _ know that?" -- I never had to reread sentences/paragraphs and that helps to stay immersed in the story. I also want to point out how beautifully the author blended a circumstance so heavily rooted in ancient times with modern mentions. Honestly, sometimes I cringe when authors namedrop pop culture icons but in this book it actually felt natural and relatable. There's also not too many moments when characters act OOC/unbelievably just for the sake of moving the plot along. Sage and St.John don't feel forced and I seriously appreciate that. I'm really glad I got the opportunity to read this!
((Disclaimer: I did receive a free copy of this book, however my opinions are my own. This review intentionally focuses on the author's writing style and strength of storytelling, if you want to know what the book is about, read it!))
((Disclaimer: I did receive a free copy of this book, however my opinions are my own. This review intentionally focuses on the author's writing style and strength of storytelling, if you want to know what the book is about, read it!))
Shelbie Martin reviewed SEED: Keepers of Genesis I

I love books that whisk me away to another place and keep me there for hours on end..
being from London I love how well the author captured different places. Made me feel like I was there again.
the mixture of history, fantasy, love, sisterhood it's all just executed perfectly I would HIGHLY recommend this book to ANYONE
being from London I love how well the author captured different places. Made me feel like I was there again.
the mixture of history, fantasy, love, sisterhood it's all just executed perfectly I would HIGHLY recommend this book to ANYONE
Great! Where is the next one!?
Really enjoyed it. Only problem is the rest of the series isn't available yet!
1 of 1 people found the following helpful

By far the Best book ive read this year, and i love to read. Can't wait until the next one comes out. Wonderful Job D B Nielsen
... written for young teenage readers it has a very good story and is really rather sweet
Huge "Hugereader" (Cambridge, UK) - See all my reviews
I found this by chance and although written for young teenage readers it has a very good story and is really rather sweet
If you like mystery, romance and paranormal fantasy stories then this book is a must have for your shelf!
Sage is a very well structured character that you cannot help but fall in love with, while reading this book I found myself really growing close to Sage and couldn't help but turn the next page to see what would happen to her! She is witty, book smart and extremely feisty which makes for an exciting and humorous read throughout the story.
This story revolves around ancient Babylon mythology and history which admittedly I knew very little about however D.B. Nielsen writes in such a way that allows readers with no prior knowledge to come away with a very good understanding of the ancient world that the story relates to, just by reading this book I feel like I have taken part in a masterclass of Babylonian history and mythology (I just wished I had this much fun learning history at school!).
The character dynamics between Sage and Saffron were a particular favourite of mine, the twins work very well together on the page with their strong personalities sometimes clashing and making for very funny moments within the story.
This is the first book of a series and I really cannot wait to see where the story is going to take me next!
A hard to put down, page turner. Well written, with a thrilling and intelligent storyline and believable characters.
I only have one complaint.... the book ended. ;)
Thank goodness there are more to follow!
I received the book for free through Goodreads First Reads.
I only have one complaint.... the book ended. ;)
Thank goodness there are more to follow!
I received the book for free through Goodreads First Reads.
Wow!! I loved this book.
A hard to put down, page turner. Well written, with a thrilling and intelligent storyline and believable characters.
I only have one complaint.... the book ended. ;)
Thank goodness there are more to follow!
I only have one complaint.... the book ended. ;)
Thank goodness there are more to follow!

I have to admit that when I got the twit from DB Nielsen inviting to read the book I did not jump to the idea too quickly. The message kept on popping in my twitter account and finally I said to myself, "Why not?" so I put Game of Thrones in the back burner and on my downtime at work and home I begun to read. At first it took me a few pages to get into the story but by the end of chapter 2 I was hooked.
This book has it all, romance, history, and characters that you can relate. You are greatly endeared to Sage and Saffron and what is not to love about St. John or his brother Gabriel. It is a refreshing story of a girl who is falls for her father's young associate but is independent and not a "Bella" waiting for her "Edward" to rescue her. I am looking forward to reading the rest of the series.
This book has it all, romance, history, and characters that you can relate. You are greatly endeared to Sage and Saffron and what is not to love about St. John or his brother Gabriel. It is a refreshing story of a girl who is falls for her father's young associate but is independent and not a "Bella" waiting for her "Edward" to rescue her. I am looking forward to reading the rest of the series.
I have to admit that when I got the twit from DB Nielsen inviting to read the book I did not jump to the idea too quickly. The message kept on popping in my twitter account and finally I said to myself, "Why not?" so I put Game of Thrones in the back burner and on my downtime at work and home I begun to read. At first it took me a few pages to get into the story but by the end of chapter 2 I was hooked.
This book has it all, romance, history, and characters that you can relate. You are greatly endeared to Sage and Saffron and what is not to love about St. John or his brother Gabriel. It is a refreshing story of a girl who is falls for her father's young associate but is independent and not a "Bella" waiting for her "Edward" to rescue her. I am looking forward to reading the rest of the series.
This book has it all, romance, history, and characters that you can relate. You are greatly endeared to Sage and Saffron and what is not to love about St. John or his brother Gabriel. It is a refreshing story of a girl who is falls for her father's young associate but is independent and not a "Bella" waiting for her "Edward" to rescue her. I am looking forward to reading the rest of the series.
Passionfish12 reviewed SEED: Keepers of Genesis I

As an avid reader/writer I'm fairly particular about certain genres, but Seed has it all; Angels, Nephilim, Religion, History, language, Romance & Suspense. Seriously, I devoured the book in two days as sleep overtook me preventing my marathon reading of it. I'd read first two of Danielle Trussoni's Angelology series & was left wanting more of same when Divine Providence handed me Seed: Keeper of Genesis I. I was not disappointed in the least. This book will keep you constantly engaged & hungering for more. Characters are well-fleshed out & immediately draw you in. Nielsen's ability to captivate via well-researched Biblical & historical data is readily noticed & appreciated...and I checked, including her use of French. What she has done over & above Trussoni is her well thought out release plan. Nielsen is scheduled to release bk 2 of 4 part series later this year & is already penning bk 3. Ms. Trussoni had 1+ yrs between books 1 & 2 of her trilogy. Seriously, if you're looking for an accurate, romantic, addictive read, buy Seed now! WARNING: make sure you're well-rested with plenty of portable food & drink at hand AND nothing in your agenda but time to read. Brava!
Anyone who enjoys an engrossing, finely crafted tale with sound narrative, characterization & plot.
Finely crafted paranormal / urban fantasy encompassing mystery, suspense, adventure, action, laced with fantasy and a search for true love.
Well-paced story. An intelligent plot with fascinating historical tidbits underpinning a believable turn of events. The reader is drawn into the unfolding of the clever mystery by an engaging heroine. Because the narrative is in the first person, Sage is able to reveal her emotions in true confessional style, nuanced feelings. d b nielsen's wry observations about the situations in which she has placed Sage are delightful.
Well-rounded individuals with credible traits, which makes the dialogue throughout sound authentic and appropriate to the speakers concerned; from gushing schoolgirl to irascible Professor to enigmatic museum keeper, the conversational tone seems just right.
The heroine Sage is feisty yet vulnerable, bookish but adventurous, passionate about English Literature and Mesopotamian archaeology, thanks to her father's input from age five. She discovers she has been gifted with mysterious powers - being able to "read" ancient artefacts and conjure up, albeit unwittingly, visions from the past. Thus armed, she decides to embark on a quest to uncouple the mythical from the factual in the Babylonian world and discovers what, if any, message the ancients have for us.
The novel can be read as a page turning paranormal/urban fantasy romance-suspense involving other worlds and peoples. It can also be enjoyed for the detailed, informative and atmospheric portrayal of life as lived by academics, with many literary and cultural allusions sprinkled throughout, teasing the lettered to trace its provenance.
Well-paced story. An intelligent plot with fascinating historical tidbits underpinning a believable turn of events. The reader is drawn into the unfolding of the clever mystery by an engaging heroine. Because the narrative is in the first person, Sage is able to reveal her emotions in true confessional style, nuanced feelings. d b nielsen's wry observations about the situations in which she has placed Sage are delightful.
Well-rounded individuals with credible traits, which makes the dialogue throughout sound authentic and appropriate to the speakers concerned; from gushing schoolgirl to irascible Professor to enigmatic museum keeper, the conversational tone seems just right.
The heroine Sage is feisty yet vulnerable, bookish but adventurous, passionate about English Literature and Mesopotamian archaeology, thanks to her father's input from age five. She discovers she has been gifted with mysterious powers - being able to "read" ancient artefacts and conjure up, albeit unwittingly, visions from the past. Thus armed, she decides to embark on a quest to uncouple the mythical from the factual in the Babylonian world and discovers what, if any, message the ancients have for us.
The novel can be read as a page turning paranormal/urban fantasy romance-suspense involving other worlds and peoples. It can also be enjoyed for the detailed, informative and atmospheric portrayal of life as lived by academics, with many literary and cultural allusions sprinkled throughout, teasing the lettered to trace its provenance.

The combination of international travel and intrigue that Sage,our Australian school leaver, encounters when she moves with her family to London provides the background to this gripping story. Page by page our heroine delves into the secrets of a Mesopotamian artefact she happens upon whilst visiting her father's work at the British Museum. Her astonishing relationship with the artefact and those who seek to protect it generates a sense of suspense that keeps you guessing to the end of this absorbing tale. Will appeal to teens and young adults in particular.
Hannah reviewed SEED: Keepers of Genesis I

I stayed up until very very late one night reading this novel. Very difficult to put down once you're immersed, the pages just keep on turning...
For those who mistrust glowing reviews of newly-published novels, let me reassure you that this novel is, truly, exceptional. There's a reason it has so many five star reviews; because it's that good!
Though the protagonist is a teenager, making this suitable as a YA read, this novel will definitely appeal to older readers too. It has all the depth and incredible world building that many YA paranormal novels lack, and the descriptive language is simply beautiful. This author knows how to weave a spell with words, how to pull you into the world she's created and make it real. I loved the English and European settings, the very real bits of history that underpin the plot, and the characters are wonderful. Both the main character/s and secondary characters are well-imagined and believable. Seed is told from the point of view of Sage, an identical twin, and something tells me her sister Saffron's story might be next. In this novel we see Sage go through a complete journey of self discovery, from girlhood to womanhood, and I was in her corner for every minute of the thrilling ride. (Helicopter ride over the Vatican? Bring it on!)
For those who mistrust glowing reviews of newly-published novels, let me reassure you that this novel is, truly, exceptional. There's a reason it has so many five star reviews; because it's that good!
Though the protagonist is a teenager, making this suitable as a YA read, this novel will definitely appeal to older readers too. It has all the depth and incredible world building that many YA paranormal novels lack, and the descriptive language is simply beautiful. This author knows how to weave a spell with words, how to pull you into the world she's created and make it real. I loved the English and European settings, the very real bits of history that underpin the plot, and the characters are wonderful. Both the main character/s and secondary characters are well-imagined and believable. Seed is told from the point of view of Sage, an identical twin, and something tells me her sister Saffron's story might be next. In this novel we see Sage go through a complete journey of self discovery, from girlhood to womanhood, and I was in her corner for every minute of the thrilling ride. (Helicopter ride over the Vatican? Bring it on!)
Ross Palmer-willmott rated it 5 of 5 stars
If you like mystery, romance and paranormal fantasy stories then this book is a must have for your shelf!
Sage is a very well structured character that you cannot help but fall in love with, while reading this book I found myself really growing close to Sage and couldn't help but turn the next page to see what would happen to her! She is witty, book smart and extremely feisty which makes for an exciting and humorous read throughout the story.
This story revolves around ancient Babylon mythology and history which admittedly I knew very little about however D.B. Nielsen writes in such a way that allows readers with no prior knowledge to come away with a very good understanding of the ancient world that the story relates to, just by reading this book I feel like I have taken part in a masterclass of Babylonian history and mythology (I just wished I had this much fun learning history at school!).
The character dynamics between Sage and Saffron were a particular favourite of mine, the twins work very well together on the page with their strong personalities sometimes clashing and making for very funny moments within the story.
This is the first book of a series and I really cannot wait to see where the story is going to take me next!
Here is a link to my video review! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKIk2...
Sage is a very well structured character that you cannot help but fall in love with, while reading this book I found myself really growing close to Sage and couldn't help but turn the next page to see what would happen to her! She is witty, book smart and extremely feisty which makes for an exciting and humorous read throughout the story.
This story revolves around ancient Babylon mythology and history which admittedly I knew very little about however D.B. Nielsen writes in such a way that allows readers with no prior knowledge to come away with a very good understanding of the ancient world that the story relates to, just by reading this book I feel like I have taken part in a masterclass of Babylonian history and mythology (I just wished I had this much fun learning history at school!).
The character dynamics between Sage and Saffron were a particular favourite of mine, the twins work very well together on the page with their strong personalities sometimes clashing and making for very funny moments within the story.
This is the first book of a series and I really cannot wait to see where the story is going to take me next!
Here is a link to my video review! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKIk2...
Angels, archaeology, amore!
When 17 year old Sage Woods lays eyes upon an ancient artefact and the hauntingly handsome Elijah St John, who may or may not be immortal, she is drawn into a quest involving Ancient Mesopotamia, the book of Genesis and an ancient conspiracy from the dawn of man.
The protagonist, Sage Woods, is a worthy peer to the likes of Katniss Everdeen or Tris Prior, in that she is a brave, resourceful and is intellectual, so while she is not as physically capable, she is not a damsel in distress, unlike the insipid Bella Swan.
D B Nielsen weaves an interesting tale filled with archaeological references and biblical allusions. I really enjoyed the hunt for the artefact and the slow unravelling of its true nature. Despite the fact that young adult fiction is not my cup of tea, I find myself liking the characters and the romance, which is a testament to the author's skill. Five out of five! would recommend.
Melody Anisko rated it 4 of 5 stars
I am an independent reviewer for Paranormal Romance and Authors that rock. I am giving this lovely read 4.5 Fangs - I'd have given it 5 but it took me a few chapters to get into the book. I will start with I'm glad I gave it those few chapters, every now and then a book surprises me when I don' t think I'm going to enjoy it and all of a sudden I'm hooked! Seeds did just that.
Sage is the focal point of this novel - she has been around the world with her parents as they taught and studied. Her family is uprooted once again just as she is about to graduate from high school and it turns her world upside down. She is funny, intelligent and spirited, this makes the story both interesting and fun.
D.B. Neilson did the research! The story revolves around Babylonian history and myths. I'm a bit of a history buff in the end that is what kept me turning the pages at first. Then the strong characters took over and kept me enthralled throughout.
I would recommend this if you like history, mystery, romance and paranormal fantasy .
Sage is the focal point of this novel - she has been around the world with her parents as they taught and studied. Her family is uprooted once again just as she is about to graduate from high school and it turns her world upside down. She is funny, intelligent and spirited, this makes the story both interesting and fun.
D.B. Neilson did the research! The story revolves around Babylonian history and myths. I'm a bit of a history buff in the end that is what kept me turning the pages at first. Then the strong characters took over and kept me enthralled throughout.
I would recommend this if you like history, mystery, romance and paranormal fantasy .

This novel captured my attention straight away, it's dynamic, fast-moving and extremely captivating. I found it difficult to pull my eyes away, I'd definitely recommend this novel to the people around me. Once you finish the novel you're left wanting more - it's very obvious a lot of research has gone into this novel and if anything adds more value to the novel! I can't wait for the sequels - db nielson has done a phenomenal job for a first novel and I am excited for more! The language she uses is fantastic and very fresh - I must say this was an incredibly exciting novel - FIVE stars! Highly recommended - must read!
A supernatural romance... with actual research!
Firstly, I don't read. I can't sit down with a book and bury my nose in it for a few hours or a few days. So I believe it says quite a bit about this novel. It is an engaging read that has kept me glued train ride after train ride. With proper research and a thrilling storyline, it's definitely a book to pick up and dig into.
John rated it 3 of 5 stars
Angels, Babylon, the hanging gardens, and supernatural events keep you intrigued through out this book. This is an easy and enjoyable read that will have your imagination churning.

I couldn't believe how much I enjoyed this novel. I wanted to be a part of this amazing world where angels live and the history of the world has been built and laid upon by these eternal beings. There was a sense of time travel and history making, something about the new and the old, from the Roman Catacombs to modern day London, that really appealed to me. Usually, fantasy novels mould their stories out of worlds suspended from reality - eg. C.S. Lewis, J.K. Rowling - but Nielsen makes this world in its imperfections and rich history come alive. And it is SO convincing! This is a must-read. I cannot recommend this novel enough.
Follow the author down the rabbit hole!
This book is so gripping. I couldn't help but keep turning the pages. The characters read like they are real people, rather than just words on a page.
I found myself reading this and feeling like I was there, stirring up emotions of my own when it came to declarations of love. I have sobbed, laughed and sat in quiet contemplation whilst reading this book.
I really can not wait until the next one comes out. I think this book would transpose easily onto the big screen.
DB Nielsen really does seem to grab the reader and takes them down the rabbit hole with his characters. Thank you so much for brightening my summer up. x
Jacci rated it 4 of 5 stars
Keepers of Seed: Genesis I
I commend db nielsen for this interesting read. I won't give away the story but if you love literature, history and fantasy this is the book for you! the author has obviously done her research! Give this story a try and you'll enjoy it for sure!
I commend db nielsen for this interesting read. I won't give away the story but if you love literature, history and fantasy this is the book for you! the author has obviously done her research! Give this story a try and you'll enjoy it for sure!

In this day and age where fantasy novels have the range and breadth of vampires, vampires and more vampires, DB Nielsen has offered a far more meaningful, interesting, and perhaps more accessible - angels. The main protagonists are a set of brilliant yet characteristically different twins, and the geographical, historical, and cultural accuracies and information aid in making this story so compelling and enjoyable. DB Nielsen creates a fantasy world that's based on the core that is our society, and so, readers like myself who like to imagine themselves in these worlds, will not have to wait to see the movie or use their imagination to picture Dumbledore. All they need to do is find a job, save up money and go on a Contiki tour and maybe they'll get to meet the Angels too, at the London Museum, or the Roman Catacombs.
Written to appeal to teenagers and young adults, the crux of the novel does not depend on the relationship of the female and male lead characters. It is incredibly interesting even without, and the dynamic of their relationship gives a more meaningful and substantial perspective to romance - one that is based on friendship, support and companionship.
I simply cannot wait for the sequel to see how all the events and doors that DB Nielsen has opened, will pan out.
Written to appeal to teenagers and young adults, the crux of the novel does not depend on the relationship of the female and male lead characters. It is incredibly interesting even without, and the dynamic of their relationship gives a more meaningful and substantial perspective to romance - one that is based on friendship, support and companionship.
I simply cannot wait for the sequel to see how all the events and doors that DB Nielsen has opened, will pan out.

A fantastic novel with history, fantasy, adventure and romance all in one. I was drawn into Sage's world from the page one and I could not put the book down until I reached the end. One of the rare books where you really step into the main character's shoes and feel like you're part of their world. Extremely well written with lots of intriguing characters and suspense. I cannot wait until the next in the series is released. Very highly recommended!

This book is like a breath of fresh air, excitement in ever page.
I just couldn't put it down, the suspense and romance is a perfect balance between fantasy and
reality. I was hooked from the first page and it really made me feel as though I was part of the journey.
It's nice to be able to read a book and have such a great connection with the characters.
I'm really looking forward to the rest of the series, CAN'T WAIT :-)
I just couldn't put it down, the suspense and romance is a perfect balance between fantasy and
reality. I was hooked from the first page and it really made me feel as though I was part of the journey.
It's nice to be able to read a book and have such a great connection with the characters.
I'm really looking forward to the rest of the series, CAN'T WAIT :-)

Had been waiting for a book that would really take me on a journey. Finally Seed was available and did that with intriguing modern day characters drawn into situations with mythological and historical significance. I as unable to put the book down. A gripping tale about Angelic realms, world events and deep secrets. Highly recommend Seed.

This book is so awesome! It was given to me as a present for Mother's Day and I've finished it today. It was a definite page turner that you just can't put down. Once you read the first chapter, your sure to be hooked! It combines action, history, romance and suspense all in one with a nice balance of fantasy with reality. The story will be a delight for people who actually enjoy accurate, historical and geographical information. The author has a wealth of knowledge and a unique style of writing. I would definitely recommend this book and I can't wait to read the rest of the series!
Brilliant! Really enjoyed this book, not my usual genre and was pleasantly surprised. Engaging. The mix of history, real life, well formed characters and fantasy was excellent. Can't wait to read the next one!
Review of SEED: Keepers of the Genesis1
This novel should appeal to anyone who enjoys the Harry Potter style of books, especially teenage girls & young women - but I loved it too & I'm over 70! A historical fantasy set in the ancient Middle East & present-day Europe, it touches on mythology which is familiar to those who've grown up in the Christian tradition-angels,the Garden of Eden etc. It's told through its young heroine, who is a positive role model. It's page-turner.I strongly recommend this as a great addition to this genre. Congratulations to db Nielsen.
One Star,
Long winded drivel
a fire-cracking debut,
It's rare to see a novel written so well that is filled with logic, thrilling adventure and mystery WHILST having a female heroine at its core. Beats The Hunger Games any day!
RickG. reviewed SEED: Keepers of Genesis I
2 of 2 people found the following helpful

An amazing novel grabbed me from the beginning to the very last page. This supernatural fantasy intertwined with history and incredibly detailed real-life locations is truly engaging. Any reader that enjoys fantasy will appreciate wholly developed characters and fully described scenes. Great storytelling, very fresh and unique approach. I highly recommend this book, being the first in the series. And once you read this book, you will be eager for the next book.
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